How to Keep Your Drains Clean and Clear

Posted November 18, 2022 | by Compten Management Inc.

Many of us don’t put much thought into where the water goes when it hits the drain. That is until your drains are clogged and the water has no place to go. 

Clogged drains are inconvenient, but they can be avoided with a few simple habits. 

The most important thing to remember is not to let nonorganic items, large food particles, and hair go down your drains freely. It can be difficult to keep foods from entering the kitchen drain during prep and clean up. Food particles that freely enter the drain may become stuck together and create a clog over time. Stop food from entering the drain by plugging the drain while prepping meals or using a mesh drain stopper to catch food and other particles in. Mesh drain stoppers can be purchased at your local home improvement store and fit in the drain like your regular drain plug. 

Grease can cause costly issues with drainpipes. It may enter your drain as a liquid, but it’ll harden to a sticky solid within the drain and create a messy clog. Pouring soap down with grease or using hot water to rinse it down the drain won’t prevent clogs. Collect used grease in a disposable container or paper towel and toss away, freeze it to use in other cooking or baking jobs, or collect it in a container to use around the house. 

Hair is the biggest culprit for clogs in the bathroom. Loose hairs can easily slip down the drain and become tangled together to create a blockage. Soap residue, creams, or other products will stick to the hair and make the clog worse. Brush your hair before showering and use a drain hair catcher to catch any hairs that fall out while showering.

Even with all your preventative measures, drains should be cleaned once a month. Clean your drain with 2 tbsp salt sprinkled into the drain ¼ cup of white vinegar. Let that sit undisturbed for 1 hour, then flush with hot water. Additionally, a drain snake can be used once a month to pull out stray hairs that have worked into your drain. 

If you experience a tough clog, contact your property manager or submit a maintenance request immediately. Our staff will help you determine the best way to resolve the issue.